A project by SEARCA funded by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
The project focused on the capacity development of faculty/staff members of Philippine higher education institutions, specifically those from the State Universities and Colleges - Association of Colleges of Agriculture in the Philippines (SUC-ACAP) in the areas of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and agricultural engineering.
SUC-ACAP is an association of 75 higher education institutions, both public and private, offering agriculture programs in the Philippines. The project will involve linking Philippine HEIs with international university networks through participation in training programs, summer schools, forums, cross-visits, and faculty and student mobilities. Foremost of these international networks is the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC).
SEARCA, which serves as UC Secretariat, proposed that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) be drafted between SUC-ACAP and the UC during the 33rd UC Executive Board Meeting in 2020. The MOU will enable SUC-ACAP members to participate in UC activities, as well as send faculty/staff to the UC members on mobility, with funding from CHED through SEARCA.
The MOU provides for the following:
To facilitate academic exchanges between their respective members, and between themselves, encouraging mobility of research and teaching staff
To exchange good practices and organize joint/dual/multiple degrees offered jointly by their members and facilitate all activities of mutual interest and benefit that can contribute to approach this goa
To execute separate agreements in writing for any undertaking jointly implemented, wherein a sharing of responsibilities shall be specified