University Consortium Grants

Tokyo NODAI-UC Scholarships for Dissertation Doctorate Program
The Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC) is pleased to announce the availability of two slots of scholarship starting Academic Year 2020-2021 for a three-year graduate program (until AY 2022-2023) leading to a Dissertation Doctorate Degree at the Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), Japan.
The Dissertation Doctorate Program for Agriculture and Natural Resources aims to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural research and development in Southeast Asia through the provision of a Tokyo NODAI-UC scholarship for eligible candidates to be able to complete the doctorate dissertation.
Eligibility Criteria
The following are the scholarship eligibility criteria:
Must be a researcher with full-time employment at any member of the University Consortium
Holder of a master’s degree in agriculture or related fields
Has produced at least three (3) peer-reviewed scientific papers in scholarly journals at home or abroad and has served as first author of at least one of those papers
Must have already made a substantial progress in a research project which will deserve a doctorate degree in three years
Must not be more than 49 years of age at the start of the program
Application and Selection Procedure

Applicant must submit application form, curriculum vitae, dissertation proposal, list of publications, and letter of endorsement from the home institution to SEARCA Graduate Education and Institutional Development Department by 30 March of every year.

SEARCA does the preliminary screening and selection of candidates and forwards a shortlist of candidates to Tokyo NODAI on or before 30 April of every year.

The Tokyo NODAI selects the awardees and appoints suitable adviser for the candidate; Tokyo NODAI then informs SEARCA of the final awardees and assigned supervisors on or before the end of May, every year.
The SEARCA Graduate Education and Institutional Development Department informs the successful candidate immediately. The scholarship awardee will start his/her study program in July of every year.
Scholarship Entitlements
The successful scholarship recipient is entitled to the following:
One international round-trip plane ticket per year for three years for the one-month consultation with the adviser at Tokyo NODAI
Allowance to cover expenses for food and accommodation for a maximum one month only at Tokyo NODAI per year for three years
Budget for printing of dissertation, exam and academic supervision fees.
One-time international travel (round-trip) for the scholar’s adviser at Tokyo NODAI to visit the scholar in his/her home country.
Application Requirements
Interested applicants should submit the following requirements to SEARCA:
Duly accomplished Tokyo NODAI-UC Scholarship Application Form (3 copies)
Original transcript of academic records for the BS and MS degrees bearing the seal of the University and fresh signatures of the Registrar or Head of the University
Certification of employment
A recommendation letter from employer
Updated curriculum vitae
Brief description of the research the applicant plans to conduct for dissertation
Two copies of passport-size photo of the applicant
Certification from a medical doctor that the applicant is in good physical and mental health condition and is fit to undertake graduate studies
Proofs of at least three peer-reviewed scientific papers published in scholarly journals in the applicant’s country or abroad; the applicant must have served as first author of one of these papers