University Consortium Grants

Matching Grant for Mobility
The University Consortium (UC) Matching Grant for Mobility provides a matching grant of USD 120 per student to pursue mobility activities in a host institution. Counterpart funding may be provided by the host institution or from other sources.
To be eligible for the grant, the planned activities during the mobility scheme must be in line with the University Consortium's strategic priorities as follows:

Sustainable management of natural resource systems

Food and agriculture policy

Biotechnology in agriculture

Food and health

Information and communication technology, bioinformatics, and data management in agriculture
Who may apply for the Grant
Any interested graduate student or groups from any of the participating members of the Consortium
Conditions of the Grant
The maximum amount for the start-up fund is USD 5,000.
The study must have collaborators/proponents from at least 2 UC member university.
A publication in a Scopus-indexed journal based on the study is a required output of the grant.
The awardee must acknowledge the support of the University Consortium in the research and any publications arising from it.
He/She must submit to the UC Secretariat a copy of the terminal report of the study.
The study preferably should be completed in a year.
Application requirements
The following should be submitted to the UC Coordinator of his/her University:
Letter of Application endorsed by the UC Coordinator of the UC member university where the applicant is pursuing his/her graduate program.
Duly accomplished UC Matching Grant for Mobility Application Form endorsed by the UC Coordinator.
Copy of proposed activities and budgetary requirement
Certification of financial support for the mobility program from other sources, if any.
Conditions and requirements for disbursement of grant
The UC Coordinator endorses the application to SEARCA as UC Secretariat subject to the approval of SEARCA's Director. Once approval of the grant has been received, the funds will be disbursed by SEARCA.