Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI)
Location:The University’s integrated educational system provides opportunity for study at its three campuses. The faculties of Applied Bio-Science, Regional Environmental Science, International Agriculture and Food Studies are located on the Tokyo campus in Setagaya-ku. The faculty of Agriculture is located on the Atsugi campus in Kanagawa and the faculty of Bio-industry is located on the Okhotsk campus in Hokkaido.
Study Programs:The University offers two Graduate School programs, one in Agriculture and one in Bio-industry. There is a two-year Junior College as well. Altogether, this makes a total of three campuses, six faculties, 19 departments and two graduate schools to choose from.
The Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI) offers a unique, integrated approach to agricultural education. Studies in the core areas of Agronomy, Life Science, Environmental Science, and Bio-industry Science serve to advance agriculture and to support agriculture’s related industries.
University Consortium Officials
Prof. Dr. Fumio Eguchi
Tokyo University of Agriculture
1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo, 156-8502, Japan
Prof. Dr. Machito Mihara
Center for Global Initiatives
Tokyo University of Agriculture
1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo, 156-8502, Japan
Tel.: (+8 13) 5477 2560
Fax: (+8 13) 5477 2635
Ms. Naho Goto
Chief Officer
Center for Global Initiatives
Tokyo University of Agriculture
1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo, 156-8502, Japan
Tel.: (+8 13) 5477 2560