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University Consortium members move to strengthen internationalization of graduate education

24 November 2015

university consortium members move to strengthen internationalization of graduate education

BOGOR, Indonesia – The Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Studies in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC) resolved to strengthen its members’ initiatives toward the internationalization of graduate education through various student and faculty mobilities, collaborative research, and joint and dual degree offerings.

This was firmed up during the 28th UC Executive Board meeting on 20–21 November 2015 attended by 21 participants from the 7 member organizations. Bogor Agricultural University played host to the annual meeting held at the IPB Convention Center at IPB Baranangsiang Campus.

In line with this, the consortium also inked an accord with AGRINATURA, a European consortium of research institutions and universities. The agreement is anticipated to pave the way for future collaborative activities, particularly on joint and dual/double degrees, summer schools, and other mobilities.

In this era, the consortium can help strengthen the move of higher education towards internationalization,” said Prof. Dr. Anas Miftah Fauzi, IPB’s Vice Rector for Research and Collaboration, during the opening ceremonies of the executive board meeting.

Dr. Anas also stressed that the ASEAN Economic Community is a good venue to even further cooperation among higher education institutions in the region.