IPB Promotes Analog Rice, Participates in the "One Day No Rice (ODNR) Program"
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) signed a collaborative agreement with the Local Government of Depoka city in West Java province, Indonesia - to support the government's program on food diversification. With the collaborative agreement, IPB will provide analog riceto meet the demands of the One Day No Rice (ODNR) program in Depok. Analog rice is made from corn and sago developed by the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in IPB.
According to Depok Mayor, Nur Mahmudi Ismail, the municipality has been running the program since February 2012. Its government offices practice ODNR every Tuesday by replacing rice with boiled crops such as maize, sweet potatoes, and potatoes. To be sustainable, the program should also offer a well-balanced and varied menu. Snack foods such as instant noodles and meatballs noodles, which are made from flour, also have to be replaced with local ingredients. In this regard, the city's partnership with IPB is very advantageous, with IPB's track record in food technology innovations such as non-wheat-based noodles.
During the signing of the agreement, IPB demonstrated how to cook fried analog rice. Aside from the cooking demo, a variety of dishes made from analog rice and corn noodles were also served.
Dr. Sam Herodian, dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology in IPB said that for starters, theycan supply the amountof analog rice needed bythecanteens within the local government of Depok.
Source: IPB News|24 May 2012