Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC)

University Consortium (UC) Matching Grant for Mobility

The University Consortium (UC) Matching Grant for Mobility provides a matching grant of USD 120 per student to pursue mobility activities in a host institution. Counterpart funding may be provided by the host institution or from other sources.

Who may apply for the Matching Grant for Mobility

Any interested graduate student or groups of student or university officer from any of the following participating members of the Southeast Asian University Consortium may apply for the UC Matching Grant for Mobility:

  • Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
  • Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Visayas State University, Leyte, Philippines
  • Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
  • Central Mindanao University, Philippines
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan
  • National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Conditions of the Grant

  • To be eligible for the grant, the planned activities during the mobility scheme must be in line with the University Consortium's strategic priorities as follows:
    • Sustainable management of natural resource systems
    • Food and agriculture policy
    • Biotechnology in agriculture
    • Food and health
    • Information and communication technology, bioinformatics, and data management in agriculture
  • The maximum amount for mobility support is USD 120.
  • The awardee/s must submit to the UC Secretariat a report of activities conducted during the program and a report of completion certified by the Dean of Graduate School.

Application requirements

The following should be submitted to the UC Coordinator of his/her University:

  1. Letter of Application endorsed by the UC Coordinator of the UC member university where the applicant is pursuing his/her graduate program.
  2. Duly accomplished UC Matching Grant for Mobility Application Form endorsed by the UC Coordinator.
  3. Copy of proposed activities and budgetary requirement
  4. Certification of financial support for the mobility program from other sources, if any.

Conditions and requirements for disbursement of grant

  • The UC Coordinator endorses the application to SEARCA as UC Secretariat subject to the approval of SEARCA's Director. Once approval of the grant has been received, the funds will be disbursed by SEARCA.

Click here to download Application Form

University Consortium (UC) Student Thesis Grant for Research Activities/Publication Fees

The University Consortium (UC) Student Thesis Grant for Research Activities/Publication Fees provides limited amount of funds to assist the UC graduate student in various research activities or to publish their study in a reputable journal.

Who may apply for the Thesis Grant

Any interested graduate student from any of the following participating members of the Southeast Asian University Consortium may apply for the UC Student Research Activities/Publication Grants:

  • Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
  • Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Visayas State University, Leyte, Philippines
  • Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
  • Central Mindanao University, Philippines
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan
  • National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Conditions of the Research Activities Grant

  • To be eligible for the grant, the planned research activities must be in line with the University Consortium's strategic priorities as follows:
    • Sustainable management of natural resource systems
    • Food and agriculture policy
    • Biotechnology in agriculture
    • Food and health
    • Information and communication technology, bioinformatics, and data management in agriculture
  • The maximum amount for research activities support is USD 1,000.
  • The awardee must acknowledge the support of the University Consortium in any publications/presentations arising from his or her research activities.

Application Requirements

  1. Letter of Application endorsed by the UC Coordinator of the UC member university where the applicant is pursuing his/her graduate program.
  2. Duly accomplished UC Student Grants Application Form for Research Activities endorsed by the UC Coordinator.
  3. Approved thesis proposal/outline by the Advisory Committee and/or the Dean of the Graduate School
  4. Budgetary requirement and timetable of activities approved by the Advisory Committee and/or the Dean of the Graduate School
  5. Certification of financial support for the research activities from other sources, if any.

Conditions and requirements for disbursement of research activities grant

  • Seventy percent (70%) of the grant shall be released to the student upon approval of the application and acceptance of the award, while the remaining thirty percent (30%) shall be released only upon completion of studies and submission of the report of completion and activities conducted, certified by the Dean of the Graduate School.
  • The UC Coordinator endorses the application to SEARCA as UC Secretariat subject to the approval of SEARCA’s Director. Once approval of the grant has been received, the funds will be disbursed by SEARCA.

Click here to download Application Form

Conditions of the Publications Grant

  • To be eligible for the grant, the study must be due for publication in a reputable journal and must be in line with the University Consortium's strategic priorities as follows:
    • Sustainable management of natural resource systems
    • Food and agriculture policy
    • Biotechnology in agriculture
    • Food and health
    • Information and communication technology, bioinformatics, and data management in agriculture
  • The maximum amount for publication fees support is USD 1,000.
  • The awardee must acknowledge the support of the University Consortium in his/her journal article. He/She must submit to the UC Secretariat a copy of the journal article (in English).

Application requirements

The following should be submitted to the UC Coordinator of his/her University:

  1. Letter of Application addressed to the UC Coordinator of the UC member university where the applicant is pursuing his/her graduate program.
  2. Duly accomplished UC Student Thesis Grants Application Form for Publication endorsed by the UC Coordinator.
  3. Copy of the journal article to be submitted, journal acceptance, and budgetary requirement duly recommended by the Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School.
  4. Certification of financial support for publication from other sources, if any.

Conditions and requirements for disbursement of grant

  • Fifty percent (50%) of the grant shall be released to the student upon acceptance of the article by a reputable journal, while the remaining 50% shall be released once the journal article is published.
  • The UC Coordinator endorses the application to SEARCA as UC Secretariat subject to the approval of SEARCA’s Director. Once approval of the grant has been received, the funds will be disbursed by SEARCA.

Click here to download Application Form

University Consortium (UC) Student Thesis Grant for Production of Thesis

The University Consortium (UC) Student Thesis Grant for production of thesis provides limited amount of funds to assist the UC graduate student prepare and complete the production of his/her thesis manuscript.

Who may apply for the Thesis Grant

Any interested graduate student from any of the following participating members of the Southeast Asian University Consortium may apply for the UC Student Thesis Grants:

  • Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
  • Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Visayas State University, Leyte, Philippines
  • Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
  • Central Mindanao University, Philippines
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan
  • National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Conditions of the Grant

  • To be eligible for the grant, the thesis must be in line with the University Consortium's strategic priorities as follows:
    • Sustainable management of natural resource systems
    • Food and agriculture policy
    • Biotechnology in agriculture
    • Food and health
    • Information and communication technology, bioinformatics, and data management in agriculture
  • The maximum amount for thesis production support is USD 500.
  • The awardee must acknowledge the support of the University Consortium in his/her thesis manuscript. He/She must submit to the UC Secretariat a copy of the thesis abstract (in English), and a report of completion certified by the Dean of Graduate School.

Application requirements

The following should be submitted to the UC Coordinator of his/her University:

  1. Letter of Application endorsed by the UC Coordinator of the UC member university where the applicant is pursuing his/her graduate program.
  2. Duly accomplished UC Student Thesis Grants Application Form endorsed by the UC Coordinator.
  3. Copy of the thesis proposal and budgetary requirement duly recommended by the Advisory Committee and the Dean of the Graduate School.
  4. Certification of financial support for thesis from other sources, if any.

Conditions and requirements for disbursement of grant

  • Fifty percent (50%) of the grant shall be released to the student upon approval of application for the grant, while the remaining 50% shall be released only upon submission of thesis abstract and a report of completion certified by the Dean of Graduate School.
  • The UC Coordinator endorses the application to SEARCA as UC Secretariat subject to the approval of SEARCA's Director. Once approval of the grant has been received, the funds will be disbursed by SEARCA.

Click here to download Application Form

University Consortium (UC) Student Travel Grants

The University Consortium (UC) Student Travel Grants provide limited funds to allow a UC graduate student to travel to another participating UC member university. The grant may be in either of the following categories:

  1. UC Student Travel Grant for Research – to enable a UC graduate student to conduct research in another participating UC member;
  2. UC Student Travel Grant for Conference – to enable a UC graduate student to present a paper, either oral or poster, in a conference/seminar organized by another UC member;
  3. UC Student Travel Grant for Credit – to enable a UC graduate student to spend one semester in another UC member to take courses for credit back to his/her program in the home university; and
  4. UC Student Travel Grant for Training/Workshop/Short Course – to enable a UC graduate student to participate in a training/workshop/short course organized by another UC member.

Who may apply for the Student Travel Grants

Any interested graduate student from any of the following participating members of the Southeast Asian University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources may apply for the UC Student Travel Grants:

  • Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia
  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Kasetsart University, Thailand
  • University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
  • Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
  • Maejo University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Visayas State University, Leyte, Philippines
  • Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
  • Central Mindanao University, Philippines
  • Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan
  • National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Conditions of the Grant

  • Financial support includes the cost of a round-trip economy class airplane ticket via the most direct route between the home university and the host university, and subsistence cost for the duration of the travel. In the case of Travel Grants for Research and Credit, the subsistence cost is limited to a maximum duration of one semester or five months. The grant does not include funds for research.
  • The grantee shall notify the UC Secretariat (SEARCA) in writing of the date of arrival at the host university and the date of return at the home university. He/she is also obliged to submit to the UC Secretariat a full report of his/her program activities at the host university, with a duly certified grade report for each of the courses cross-enrolled, if any, and immediately return to his/her home university upon completion of the engagement period stated in the award letter.

Application requirements

The following should be submitted to the UC Coordinator of his/her home university:

  • Duly accomplished UC Student Travel Grant Application Form endorsed by the UC Coordinator; and
  • For Travel Grant for Research: a research/thesis outline approved by the Advisory Committee and Dean of the Graduate School, with details on fund sources, proposed activities at the host university, and laboratory facilities and equipment at the host university needed to conduct the research project;
  • For Travel Grant for Conference: abstract of paper for presentation, proof of acceptance from conference organizer, conference program, and certification of financial support from other sources, if any;
  • For Travel Grant for Credit: list of courses for cross-enrollment with the course name/title and number of units, as approved by the Advisory Committee and Dean of the Graduate School, admission for cross-registration at the host university, results of TOEFL or IELTS test taken within the last two years;
  • For Travel Grant for Training/Workshop/Short Course: copy of the program for the training/workshop/short course, proof of acceptance to the event, and request letter endorsed by adviser and indicating reason why participation in the event is useful to the student's program of study.

Conditions and requirements for disbursement of grant

  • The fund for the plane ticket will be released to the graduate student via bank transfer or reimbursement basis upon submission of valid receipts as proof of purchase.
  • The subsistence cost may be released in full or in two to three tranches depending on the duration of travel.

Click here to download Application Form

Who We Are

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Contact Us

  • UC Secretariat
  • Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
  • College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines
  • Email:,
  • Tel:
    • Manila Line: +63 2 8657 1300 to 02
    • Laguna Line: +63 49 554 9330 to 39
      +63 49 536 2290 local 2200 to 2203
  • Fax: +63 49 536 7097